Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments ITV

Harry Potter saga telah menyihir seluruh dunia selama satu dasawarsa terakhir ini dan menjadi franchise film/film seri dengan pendapatan tertinggi sepanjang sejarah mengalahkan James Bond, Star Wars,  Pirates of the Caribbean, dan The Lord of the Rings. Meski film Harry Potter saga berakhir setelah penayangan Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, 15 Juli lalu namun film ini tak akan habis untuk terus dieksplorasi.

Pada bulan Juni lalu, ITV Inggris mempunyai gagasan merilis 50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments dengan mengundang para fans untuk ambil bagian voting via facebook untuk memilih moment-moments favorite mereka mulai dari film pertama Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone hingga film ketujuh Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, kemudian mendokumentasikan 50 moment terbaik film Harry Potter.

Dalam film ini dengan narrator Robbie Coltrane pemeran Rubeus Hagrid, kita bisa menikmati mulai dari pertemuan pertama kali Harry Potter, Ron Weasley dan Hermione Granger di Hogwarts Express, kematian tragis Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts School pertama kali muncul di film hingga pesta kembang api si kembar Weasley yang membuat kekacauan. Juga interview dengan para bintang Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Matthew Lewis, Ralph Fiennes, Julie Walters, Jason Isaacs, dan penulis J.K. Rowling dan sutradara David Yates. Juga hasil interview dengan selebriti yang menjadi fans Harry Potter seperti Will Young, Liz McClarnon, Rowland Rivron, Eliza Doolittle, Brian Conley, Anneka Rice dll.

Berikut list 50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments by ITV:
50. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 Harry, Ron, and Hermione First Meet
49. Order of the Phoenix 2007 Welcome to the Ministry of Magic
48. Chamber of Secrets 2002 Ron's Howler
47. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 The Mirror of Erised
46. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 Harry and Hermione Dancing
45. Chamber of Secrets 2002 Dobby (levitating the cake at Privet Drive)
44. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Dementor on the Train
43. Chamber of Secrets 2002 Harry and Ron in a Flying Car
42. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 The Knight Bus
41. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Sirius Black and Harry
40. Goblet of Fire 2005 The Quidditch World Cup
39. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 Harry and Ron’s Argument
38. Chamber of Secrets 2002 The Cornish Pixies
37. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Lupin Turns into a Warewolf
36. Order of the Phoenix 2007 Harry's First Kiss (with Cho Chang)
35. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 Harry's Left at Privet Drive
34. Goblet of Fire 2005 The Yule Ball (Hermione Growing Up)
33. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Aunt Marge's Comeuppence
32. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 Owls Deliver Hogwarts Letter
31. Goblet of Fire 2005 Harry Returns with Cedric Diggory's Body
30. Order of the Phoenix 2007 Dolores Umbridge Punishes Harry
29. Half-Blood Prince 2009 The Millennium Bridge Destroyed
28. Half-Blood Prince 2009 Dumbledore Drinks to Uncover a Horcrux
27. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 The Seven Harrys
26. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 The Tale of the Three Brothers
25. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 The Chess Room
24. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 Ollivander's Wand Shop
23. Goblet of Fire 2005 The Triwizard Tournament-The Black Lake
22. Order of the Phoenix 2007 Dementors in the Underpass
21. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Harry Summons His Patronus
20. Half-Blood Prince 2009  Ron’s Love Potion
19. Chamber of Secrets 2002 Polyjuice Potion (Harry and Ron Turn into Goyle and Crabbe)
18. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 Ron Destroys the Horcrux
17. Goblet of Fire 2005 Voldemort is Reborn
16. Goblet of Fire 2005 The Arrival of the Beauxbatons
15. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 Bathilda Bagshot (Revelation at Godric's Hollow)
14. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2010 The Sorting Ceremony
13. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Buckbeak The Hippogriff
12. Order of the Phoenix 2007 Sirius Black Dies
11. Goblet of Fire 2005 Voldemort vs Harry
10. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 ‘You’re a Wizard, Harry’
9. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 First Quidditch Match
8. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 Platform 9 3/4
7. Order of the Phoenix 2007  Fred and George's Fireworks
6. Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Hermione Punches Malfoy
5. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 Diagon Alley is Revealed for the First Time
4. Order of the Phoenix 2007 Dumbledore vs Voldemort
3. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 Dobby's Dies
2. Half-Blood Prince 2009 Death of Dumbledore
1. Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone 2001 First Sight of Hogwarts

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